The SmallBizChat with Melinda Emerson
The SmallBizChat with Melinda Emerson
A series focused on small business advice and strategies, by Melinda Emerson, known as "SmallBizLady", discussing various aspects of entrepreneurship and small business management. Get insights from experts about topics relevant to small business owners.
Melinda Emerson

Melinda Emerson

Melinda Emerson, also known as "SmallBizLady," is recognized as a leading expert in small business and social media marketing in the US. With nearly two decades of entrepreneurial experience, Emerson has gained international acclaim as a keynote speaker and authority on small business development. She operates a resourceful blog, Succeed as Your Own Boss, which provides guidance to entrepreneurs, reaching an audience of over 3 million online each week. Emerson is notable for her work in social media marketing, particularly as the creator and host of #Smallbizchat, a prominent live X chat for small business owners. Her influence in the field has been recognized by Forbes magazine, which listed her as the top woman for entrepreneurs to follow on X.

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